Category: ! Without a column

  • Slot machine – killer! The history of the Polybius project

    The myth of the most dangerous slot machine in the world-the game that led to seizures, loss of memory, and in exceptional cases even to the death of players-arose in the early Internet of the late 1990s.

    The game wore the same inconspicuous name Polybius and was developed by the CIA with a complicity of Atari (according to other sources – the ominous German company Sinneslöschen). The only photo of the cabinet (either granular clipping from the old newspaper, or a good photoshop) and the only screenshot of the title screen survived to this day.

    Modern Search on Google shows 4,760,000 results at the request of Polybius, most of which are psychedelic YouTube Revets, promising to cause an epileptic seizure in any of the gullible viewers.

    The more ambitious request “Polybius ROM” leads to dead links on sites of six to twenties, as well as to a certain number of counterfeit versions, freezing after an authentic type of title screen. Supporters of conspiracy theories assure that this is all due to the shortcomings of emulatory technologies: they say, the architecture of the original machine simply cannot be reproduced on modern PCs.


    In the Black-Black City (actually in Portland, Oregon), a black and black publisher of the test version of the black and black cabinet in several selected grocery rooms. So far, nothing particularly terrible has happened-in the golden age of arcade video games (1978-1986) it was completely normal for developers and distributors format of beta testing.

    [[Bullet]] The green text p-o-l-b-b-u-s on a black background is very similar to the screensaver of Williams Electronics to classic games Robotron: 2084 and Joust.

    But in a day or two, strange things begin to happen. While their happy peers are sitting in the quarter in PAC-Man And Asteroids , The players players in the black-black cabinet of teenagers begin cramps, nausea and nightmares.

    In the best traditions of Stephen King’s novels, the Black Cabinet game becomes the highest manifestation of heroism among Portland children is like standing on the rails in front of an impending train. Symptoms from the game worsen – and now some children complain about the loss of memory (by the end of the session their own name and address are forgotten), while others talk about the suicide of the best friend, who was last seen behind the cabinet and gestable on the screen, spaceships a strange expression on the face ..

    Before terrible events manage to become public, the next stage begins: all arcade salons simultaneously stop black vans from which people in strict costumes emerge. Using secret menu in the cabinet settings, they collect information about the behavior of players.

    [[Bullet]] This photograph of the Arcade Cabinet of Death claims to be authentic

    The same agents will take off the cabinets on carts after a sudden recall of the game – the experiment can be considered successful (or failed).

    What an experiment? Well, in the best case, it was a secret CIA program for the subconscious transformation of innocent children into killer supergens. I don’t even want to think about the worst options ..

    Only facts

    The International Game Museum site ( www.Arcade-Museum.Com ) indicates the date of the release of Polybius as 1981, and the vague stories of eyewitnesses (which even find it difficult to name the genre of games) tell about an unusual monitor and many bright explosive objects flying into a player (the ominous light impulses of the CIA affecting the subconscious of explosions) were masked).

    All this suspiciously resembles a description of the classic arcade shooter Tempest ( Atari , 1981), who used a freshly -sounded vector display and consisted in high -speed flight along the tunnel with the execution of many colorful abstract enemies Richy Reels sister sites. The faulty screen of the early version of Tempest could really cause epileptic seizures in some players, excessively exposed to outbreaks of light and uniform movement of graphic images.

    [[Bullet]] The second segment of the anthology of the short horror of “Nightmares” to this day remains the best film about the golden age of slot machines. Run, estimate, run!

    The rest was taken about the rest, which was gaining strength (and successfully continuing to this day) adult hysteria around the video game … Another important factor is the release of the films “Military Games” and the horror-anthology of “Nightmares” two years later.

    In the picture of John Badem Matthew Broderick finds a game in the Pentagon’s network under the intriguing name “Global thermonuclear War”-and with the help of a reasonable computer, it really does not only launch nuclear missiles in Russia. Hence the legend of Polybius the General Computer Paranoa of the 1980s oozes.

    In the less -famous anthology of horror films by Joseph Sargent, Emilio Estevez is fond of vector labyrinth juper The Bishop of Battle , in which no player can reach the 13th level. Armed with the “Walkman” and locked at the night in the Arcade of Game-O-Rama (as a serious raid looked like in 1983), the estimate is twelve stages. On the thirteenth vector fighters, snakes and flying saucers begin to pursue a gamer's swimmer fiercely with a light pistol and an empty moll.

    In the morning, parents and the hero’s best friend find only a defeated arcade – and see the digitized version of Estevez on the screen of the surviving automatic machine The Bishop of Battle.

    [Bullet]] The laser pistol remained one of the most beloved and at the same time the most scandalous ways of interacting with the virtual space of the video game.

    It is possible that the creators of the "Nightmares" were inspired precisely by the history of Tempest, and endless retelling of the content of the half -forgotten picture distorted the simple plot in the myth of Polybius. The idea of ​​a secret government program that uses an innocent game to prepare agents will be drawn from Nick Kasla “The Last Star Fighter” released in 1984.

    The story of Polybius favorably differs from kindergarten horror stories about the black phone and tabloid reports about the face of Elvis Presley on Mars by the presence of some truth in the foundation.

    Firstly, Tempest and other Arcades of the 1980s were endlessly redone and reprinted, and many versions (and whole machines!) are considered irrevocably lost. Secondly, bright flashes and a quick change of colors on the screen can really cause clouding of vision, headache, dizziness, nausea and even epileptic seizures (which in 1997 will become known to the whole world after the occasion of the thirty-eighth episode of the animated series "Pokemon").

    And thirdly – any video game, seen in passing and over the player’s shoulder, seems to be an outsider to the audience with a terrible and forbidden pile of images, leading who knows to what experiences and consequences. Let Tetris or Super Mario Bros. and do not lead to a loss of memory, but it is also difficult to call them a normal pastime!

  • Ron Gilbert’s Deathspank

    In no case do we want to belittle the creative merits of the Vancouver company Hothead Games , But Deathspank – This is the game of Ron Gilbert. Creator Monkey Island He works in the studio by a creative director, and he is the main reason why the episodic Deathspank was more interested in us than the episodic series Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness the same studio.

    In March of this year, it became known that Deathspank will be sold not by episodes, but by one big game (although it has not yet turned out when, in what form, with which publisher and on which platforms, besides PC). Thus, this is the first full -length game of Gilbert since time Monkey Island 2: Leccock’s Revenge (1991). By the DEATHSPANK genre – a hybrid of a quest and a role -playing game Diablo. Or, more precisely, a role -playing game in the Diablo style with normal plot elements. IN Maniac Mansion Gilbert was going on over the horror, in two episodes Monkey Island – Above the pirates, the queue of classical fantasy came to Deathspank.

    Flat three -dimensional world

    Game designer Ron Gilbert was always ready to spit in the soul of incorrigible romantics. The protagonist Deathspank is called extremely ingenuously – Defspank (literally translated approximately like Deadshole). The mysterious artifact, which he is looking for, is called an artifact, and the retirement age of the NPC, which gives the defspan the first plot quest is the Ubrick-Pensioner. High mountains with snow -covered peaks, which the Defspank intersects during one of its countless campaigns, are called … Well, yes, high mountains with snowy peaks.

    According to Gilbert, Deathspank is not a parody, but a satire: “I do not make fun of any specific games, I am a friendly one of the whole genres … Well, and the game industry in general”. This attitude towards the subject can only be allowed by a very experienced developer who knows the well -known laws of RPG and quests, subtly noting all genre stamps, absurdities and favorite techniques.

    “For me in games, the most important comedy, funny actions and dialogs. Take your example with an artifact artifact – yes, humor is extremely not towerful, but we are not embarrassed in Deathspank to call a spade a spade. Our hero Defspank is just such a person, honest and stupid. What he sees, then he says, ”Gilbert explains his creative method. Thus, having met the Pompeye mayor of the city of Plakmakl, Defspank says: “Hello, dear Mr. High Social Status and obvious plot importance”.

    The visual row in Deathspank is also comic. The engine is three -dimensional, the landscapes are three -dimensional, but all the game objects are flat, as if carved from thick plywood. Flat houses, flat forests, flat chests … Deathspank is far from the first three -dimensional game, which is partially disguised as two -dimensional (see. Series Paper Mario Or the future Fez ). But still, flat barrels and flat chests with treasures-this is the devilishly funny. In addition, there is an additional, invested irony thinner: 2D decorations once again remind us of what the settings of most fantasy-RPGs, in fact, cardboard.

    “Personally, I love flat graphics,” Gilbert willingly admits. – It seems to me that 2D is much brighter and more expressive than 3D. But I also like to slowly examine three -dimensional worlds. Flat games (and especially quests) are deprived of this – a set of screens is given, between which you move. It is difficult to call this the real world … I wanted Deathspank to have a huge three -dimensional world and a charming two -dimensional picture ”.

    Who is Ron Gilbert?

    Biographical certificate in case you did not play Monkey Island. Or played, but in a remake.

    The young programmer Ron Gilbert came to Lucasfilm Games In the early eighties and in 1985 he developed a graphic quest Maniac Mansion For home computer Commodore 64. Not only the quest itself aroused great interest (which, with all its comedy, can be considered the progenitor of the Survival Horror genre, but also the SCRIPT CREATION UTRATION TO MANIAC MANSION (Scumm) developed by Gilbert, on the basis of which all Lucasarts adventures were built until 1997, including inclusive. Having done The Secret of Monkey Island (1990) and Monkey Island 2: Leccock’s Revenge (1991) and turning Lucasfilm Games into the main quest competitor Sierra on-line , In 1992, Gilbert left Lucas and founded Humongous Entertainment , which specialized in the release of the best games in the world for children (series Putt-Putt , series Freddi Fish , series Pajama Sam ). As part of her subsidiary Cavedog Entertainment Gilbert worked on Total annihilation. In 1996, Humongous sold GT Interactive , In 1999, GT Interactive sold Infogrames , In 2000, Cavedog closed and Gilbert left the company without completing his last major project, Good & Evil (cross between the quest and RTS). In Hothead Games, Ron Gilbert was taken only in 2008.

    After unicorns

    Gilbert's flat world contains a regular set of fantasy-locations (fields, forests, mountains, temples, swamps, dungeons, a pirate city with a real pirate ship) and inhabitants (spiders, orcs, skeletons). The hero is interesting primarily: the defspank outgrew a series of original web comics, and after a series of parodies on all title characters of computer games rose to a personal project. Moreover, it was precisely because of the epic personality of the protagonist Deathspank that became a full-length game. “I am still interested in episodic games, but as the project develops, we found that the defensive is an epic character living in the epic world … All this simply did not fit into the framework of the episodic game. The defender needed one big project. In addition, the defending himself is a very impatient hero, he would never wait for the release of the next series, ”says Gilbert.

    Having collected the corresponding armor, the defensive can dress like a pirate. For what? “And so that instead of the shoulders you can wear a couple of parrots! The most amazing thing is that in the fights the parrots will peck enemies. No, you don't dream!" – assures the proud creator. But with the hero of Monkey Island, Gaybrash Tripwood Defspan, except the costume, does not bind. "These are completely unlike characters, which is why it was so interesting for me to work on the game".

    Unlike the Gaybrash, the defante is not going to join verbal fights with opponents. 90% Deathspank is a cruel mochilovo tesak. Although Gilbert frowns when his Deathspank is called “Arkada” or “Button-mayor”-there will be over a hundred weapons with different types of strokes in the game. You can, for example, take a giant hammer and pound them on the ground, stunning the nearest enemies. Tesak can apply a circular blow that cleanses the area from evil spirits at once. Far weapons are represented by lulling darts and crossbow with explosive arrows.

    In Deathspank, it’s not enough just to rush into a fight, shaking the sword in each hand – you need a strategy. We need to assess the situation, choose the right tool. Each type of weapon can be tied to a specific button on the controller (or the mouse key, if you play on PC) – when you press it, the weapon will change automatically.

    The most remarkable element of the interface is the quests magazine in which they are honestly divided into important and unimportant. “The main difference between important and unimportant quests is that important ones need to be performed in order to finish the game. Unimportant – no need. But why not fulfill them?" – Gilbert explains the textbook quest hierarchy. For comparison: important quests in Deathspank include the preparation of an exotic Mexican dish for a pensioner ubrick (which is ready to exchange a heroic sword for it), and for the unimportant, an epic mission to collect unicorn.

    How the superhero was created

    Who is the defending and where did it come from

    2004, beginning. The unemployed Ron Gilbert starts the Grumpy Gamer blog ("grumpy gamer", www.Grumpygamer.Com ) and begins to release web comics from the life of players and game developers.

    September 1, 2004. The third issue of the Grumpy Gamer comic book is first mentioned the Bladehunt: Deathspank 2: The Revenge game.

    February 1, 2005. Our first meeting with a defender is in the guise of a post -apocalyptic superhero. Gilbert and artist Clayton Kuzlyarik decide that you must definitely make a game about such a glorious character. Ron begins the search for the publisher.

    January 9, 2008. Gilbert solemnly announces that Hothead Games took upon itself the development and implementation of its new episodic game, the first episode of which is called Deathspank: Episode One – Orphans of Justice. Ron becomes the creative director of Hothead.

    March 30, 2009. Gilbert confirms the rumors that Deathspank will not be an episodic, but full -length game.

    Hints is not for nothing

    The quest and role-role parts of Deathspank connects the tint system among themselves-it should help Rolevik-Tugums to pass the game and give veterans-questers the opportunity to feel their own superiority. Gilbert even hints that Hints in Deathspank will be the main form of game currency. He is not yet ready to talk about how the system of converting role -playing operations into quest clues works, but in general, hints are given as a reward for the solution of puzzles, the implementation of side quests and the extermination of monsters. Hipples are organized in the format of old quest books-covers: on each new page-more and more frank and shameless hints. For playing a game without using hints will issue a special medal. You can, of course, look at Solyushn on the Internet in the old fashioned way, but, as Gilbert puts it, "cheaters do not win"!

    At the same time, the defending honestly, in a role grows in the level. But there will be no branches of skills in the classical sense: “In our Deathspank, our approach to the distribution of the hero's abilities. I am sure after Deathspank all role -playing games will use this system!" – Gilbert boasts. Different interesting helmets and armor are extracted from dead enemies, fall out of barrels and chests, are given for performed quests and bought in a store. “You can mess with the adjustment of the parameters, collect the perfect armor … There are no restrictions. I think that since you spent money on Deathspank, you can play as you want! You can even wear a pirate triangle with a knightly bib – I do not mind ".

    If the game has no restrictions on wearing armor, this does not mean that there is no balance in it. One of the most terrible and destructive skills in the game is a call of the army from hundreds of chicken, which everywhere accompanies the hero and tears everything that approaches him. But, firstly, for the sake of this ability, you will have to chop small living creatures for a long time and painfully, and secondly, it is worth accidentally hitting a chicken with a blow, and the whole crowd will attack the unfortunate defspan.

    * * *

    Deathspank – a sample rare in our time of the author’s game (not in vain in all videos, the name is written only as Ron Gilbert’s Deathspank). It is very easy to forget that Gilbert is not the only designer working on the game (and not even the only screenwriter). Because from the first frames it becomes clear: this is his view of the world, his approach to the genre, his dialogs, his puzzles, his branded irony and designer finds. The game is rather focused on Monkey Island fans than on the average player who is looking for, where to pass the time in anticipation Diablo 3. On the other hand, this is a satire, not a parody, it is not necessary to track the jokes here. So millions of PC owners and console, unnecessary by Gilbert, may well take Deathspank for a clean coin. That's really – mockery of industry.

    We will wait? The humorous cross between the quest and RPG from Ron Gilbert, the author of Monkey Island and RoyalSpin Casino sister sites Maniac Mansion.

    Percentage of readiness: 40%

  • 7 best PC configurations for October 2017: from 30 to 500 thousand

    AMD They have been buried many times, but it seems that continuous optimists have been working there. And not in vain. Having released several successful products for different price categories, the company was able to quickly move Intel And NVIDIA. The market stirred again and ceased to be non -alternative.

    We have collected seven top configurations of the PC for October 2017. There are three options in each of the assemblies: the basic for the minimum price, more expensive – “with all the bells and whistles” (for example, with SSD and a better video card – there we indicated how many analogues will cost replacement), and the third block we collected the optimal periphery for each configurations.

    Prices in rubles are everywhere indicated on October 13, 2017 at a rate of $ 1 = 57.6 rubles.

    Cheap and angrily

    System unit from 30 to 40 thousand rubles

    Over the last month AMD Ryzen 3 1200 Called up by accessibility Core i3-7100 and, taking into account cheaper motherboards for socket Am4 , has become preferable for budget platforms.

    CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 1200 (Summit Ridge, 4 nuclei, Socket AM4, 3.1-3.4 GHz, L2-Cash 2 MB, L3-Cash 8 MB) 7300 ($ 126.8)
    Coler: DeepCool Gammaxx 200t (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900-1600 rpm, 17.8-21.6 dB) 800 ($ 13.9)
    Motherboard: MSI B350 PC Mate (ATX, SOCKET AM4, AMD B350, 4X DDR4-1866/3200 MHz up to 64 GB, 2x PCIe X16, 2x PCIE X1, 2X PCI, 4x SATA Rev Rev. 3, m.2, PS/2, 3x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, USB Type-C, Lan, D-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI, Audio) 6300 ($ 109.4)
    Memory: 4 GB DDR4-2400 MHz Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK4GX4M1A2400C14 3040 ($ 52.8)
    Gigabyte GV-RX560OC-2G (AMD Radeon RX 560, 1176-1199/7000 MHz, 2 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort) 7450 ($ 129.4)
    Hard disc: 1 TB Seagate ST1000DM010 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 64 MB) 2840 ($ 49.4)
    Corps: Accord SA-01B (ATX, USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 1520 ($ 26.4)
    Power supply: Hipro HPE450 (450 W, 120 mm, 24-PIN, 4+4-PIN, 4X SATA, 4X MOLEX, 2X 6-PIN) 1600 ($ 27.8)
    Basic configuration: 30 850 ($ 535.6)
    Best CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 1300X (Summit Ridge, 4 nuclei, Socket AM4, 3.5-3.7 GHz, L2-Cash 2 MB, L3-Cash 8 MB) +1400 ($ 24.4)
    The best video card: MSI GTX 1050 TI 4GT OC (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 TI, 1341-1455/7008 MHz, 4 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort) +4050 ($ 70.4)
    Additional memory: 4 GB DDR4-2400 MHz Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK4GX4M1A2400C14 3040 ($ 52.8)
    The best power supply: Aerocool KCAS-500W (500 W, 120 mm, 24-PIN, 4+4-PIN, 7X SATA, 4x Molex, 2x 6+2-Pin) +1030 ($ 17.9)
    With all the haltering: 40 370 ($ 700.9)
    Mouse: A4Tech Bloody Q80 (3200 DPI, wired) 970 ($ 16.9)
    Keyboard: A4Tech X7-G800MU (wired, 126 keys, USB-hab) 1550 ($ 27)
    Columns: Sven SPS-619 (2.0, 2x 10 W, 70-22 000 Hz) 1990 ($ 34.6)
    Monitor: BenQ GW2270HM (A-MVA, 21.5 inches, 1920×1080, 5 ms, 250 kD/m², 3000: 1, D-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI, 2X 1W) 7170 ($ 124.5)
    With the periphery: 52 050 ($ 903.7)


    System unit from 45 to 55 thousand rubles

    CPU AMD Ryzen 3 1300x will serve as a good alternative to younger models Intel Core i5. And in combination with the motherboard ASUS ROG Strix B350-F Gaming and cooler DeepCool Gammaxx 300 Conducting overclocking lovers. 4 GHz bar is quite achievable.

    CPU: AMD RYZEN 3 1300X (Summit Ridge, 4 nuclei, Socket AM4, 3.5–3.7 GHz, L2-kesh 2 MB, L3-Cash 8 MB) 8700 ($ 151.1.1)
    Coler: DeepCool Gammaxx 200t (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900-1600 rpm, 17.8-21.6 dB) 800 ($ 13.9)
    Motherboard: ASUS ROG Strix B350-F Gaming (ATX, SOCKET AM4, AMD B350, 4X DDR4-2133/3200 MHz up to 64 GB, 3X PCIE X16, 3x PCIE X1, 4X SATA Rev Rev Rev. 3, m.2, PS/2, 2x USB 3.1, 4x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, LAN, HDMI, DisplayPort, S/PDIF, Audio) 8120 ($ 141)
    Memory: 2x 4 GB DDR4-2400 MHz Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK4GX4M1A2400C14 6080 ($ 105.6)
    Gigabyte GV-N1060WF2OC-3GD (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060, 1582-1797/8008 MHz, 3 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 x16, 2x DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort) 15 800 ($ 274.4)
    Hard disc: 1 TB Seagate ST1000DM010 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 64 MB) 2840 ($ 49.4)
    Corps: Accord SA-01B (ATX, USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 1520 ($ 26.4)
    Power supply: Hipro HPE450 (450 W, 120 mm, 24-PIN, 4+4-PIN, 4X SATA, 4X MOLEX, 2X 6-PIN) 1600 ($ 27.8)
    Basic configuration: 45 460 ($ 789.3)
    Best cooler: Deepcool Gammaxx 300 (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900-1600 rpm, 18-21 dB) +380 ($ 6.6)
    Best CPU: AMD RYZEN 5 1500X (Summit Ridge, 4 nuclei, Socket AM4, 3.5-3.7 GHz, L2-Cash 2 MB, L3-Cash 16 MB) +3160 ($ 54.9)
    Installation SSD: 240 GB WD Green WDS240G1G0B (M.2 2280, record – 465 MB/s, reading – 540 MB/s) 5590 ($ 97.1)
    The best power supply: Aerocool KCAS-500W (500 W, 120 mm, 24-PIN, 4+4-PIN, 7X SATA, 4x Molex, 2x 6+2-Pin) +1030 ($ 17.9)
    With all the haltering: 55 620 ($ 965.7)
    Mouse: A4Tech Bloody V7M71 (3200 DPI, wired) 1690 ($ 29.4)
    Keyboard: A4Tech Bloody B188 (wired, 110 keys, backlight) 2090 ($ 36.3)
    Columns: Sven MS-305 (2.1, 40 watts, 40-20 000 Hz) 3020 ($ 52.5)
    Monitor: Acer K222HQLCBID (IPS, 21.5 inches, 1920×1080, 4 ms, 250 kD/m², d-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI) 7210 ($ 125.2)
    With the periphery: 69 630 ($ 1208.9)

    Death to the brakes

    System unit from 60 to 65 thousand rubles

    It is noteworthy that in this configuration of the company AMD managed to move not only Intel , but also NVIDIA. At a price of 20,000 rubles MSI Radeon RX 580 Gaming X 4G is a serious competitor to video cards with GPU GeForce 1060.

    CPU: AMD RYZEN 5 1600X (Summit Ridge, 6 nuclei, Socket AM4, 3.6-4 GHz, L2-kesh 3 MB, L3-Cash 16 MB) 15 300 ($ 265.7)
    Coler: DeepCool Gammaxx 300 (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900-1600 rpm, 18-21 dB) 1180 ($ 20.5)
    Motherboard: ASUS Prime X370 (ATX, Socket AM4, AMD X370, 4X DDR4-2133/3200 MHz up to 64 GB, 2x PCIe X16, 2x PCIe X1, 2x PCI, 6x SATA Rev Rev Rev Rev. 3, m.2, PS/2, 2x USB 3.1, 4x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, Lan, D-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI, Audio) 8310 ($ 144.3)
    Memory: 2x 4 GB DDR4-2400 MHz Corsair Vengeance LPX CMK4GX4M1A2400C14 6080 ($ 105.6)
    Video card: MSI Radeon RX 580 Gaming X 4G (AMD Radeon RX 580, 1380-1393/7000 MHz, 4 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 x16, DVI, 2X HDMI, 2X DisplayPort) 20 800 ($ 361.2)
    Hard disc: 1 TB Seagate ST1000DM010 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 64 MB) 2840 ($ 49.4)
    Corps: Aerocool Aero-300 (ATX, 120 mm, USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 1820 ($ 31.6)
    Power supply: Aerocool Hero 575 (575 W, 120 mm, 24-Pin, 4+4-PIN, 5X SATA, 3 Molex, 2x 6+2-Pin, FDD) 3220 ($ 56)
    Basic configuration: 59 550 ($ 1033.9)
    Best cooler: Deepcool Gammaxx S40 (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900-1600 rpm, 18-26 dB) +470 ($ 8.2)
    The best video card: Gigabyte GV-RX580AORUS-8GD (AMD Radeon RX 580, 1340-1380/8000 MHz, 8 GB GDDR5, PCIe 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) +3000 ($ 52.1)
    Best case: Aerocool MC4 (ATX, 2x 120 mm, USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) +640 ($ 11.2)
    Best hard drive: 2 TB Seagate Desktop ST2000DM006 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 64 MB) +1310 ($ 22.8)
    With all the haltering: 64 970 ($ 1128)
    Mouse: A4Tech Bloody A9081 (4000 dpi, wired) 1690 ($ 29.4)
    Keyboard: A4Tech Bloody B328 (wired, 104 keys, backlight) 1970 ($ 34.3)
    Columns: Sven MS-2100 (2.1, 80 watts, 40-20 000 Hz) 5180 ($ 90)
    Monitor: IIYAMA Prolite E2483HS-B1 (TN, 24 inches, 1920×1080, 2 ms, 250 kD/m2, 1000: 1, D-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI, 2X 1 W) 9030 ($ 156.8)
    With the periphery: 82 840 ($ 1438.2)

    Everything is maximum

    System unit from 75 to 90 thousand rubles

    Senior processors AMD Ryzen not as attractive in price as their younger brothers. Therefore, the family Intel Core i7 So far outside of competition. If you do not have enough money to buy an accelerator with GPU Nvidia GeForce 1070 , Pay attention to Gigabyte GV-RX580Aorus-8GD.

    CPU: Intel Core i7-7700 (Kaby Lake, 4 nuclei, Socket LGA1151, 3.6-4.2 GHz, L3-Kash 8 MB) 20 960 ($ 363.9)
    Coler: DeepCool Gammaxx 300 (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900-1600 rpm, 18-21 dB) 1180 ($ 20.5)
    Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z270-GAMING K3 (ATX, Socket LGA1151, Intel Z270, 4X DDR4-2133/3866 MHz up to 64 GB, 3X PCIE X16, 3X PCIE X1, 6X SATA ReV. 3, 2x SATA Express, M.2, PS/2, USB 3.1, 4x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, USB Type-C, LAN, DVI, HDMI, Audio) 9510 ($ 165.2)
    Memory: 2x 8 GB DDR4-2800 MHz Patriot Viper Elite PVE416G280C6KRD 10 310 ($ 179)
    Video card: Gigabyte GV-RX580AORUS-8GD (AMD Radeon RX 580, 1340-1380/8000 MHz, 8 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) 23 800 ($ 413.2)
    Hard disc: 1 TB Seagate ST1000DM010 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 64 MB) 2840 ($ 49.4)
    Corps: Zalman R1 (ATX, 3x 120 mm, USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 2960 ($ 51.4)
    Power supply: Aerocool Hero 575 (575 W, 120 mm, 24-Pin, 4+4-PIN, 5X SATA, 3 Molex, 2x 6+2-Pin, FDD) 3220 ($ 56)
    Basic configuration: 74 780 ($ 1298.3)
    Best cooler: Deepcool Gammaxx S40 (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900-1600 rpm, 18-26 dB) +350 ($ 6.1)
    The best video card: Gigabyte GV-N1070WF2OC-8GD-Mi (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070, 1582-1771/8008 MHz, 8 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) +8100 ($ 140.7)
    Installation SSD: 240 GB WD Green WDS240G1G0B (M.2 2280, record – 465 MB/s, reading – 540 MB/s) 5590 ($ 97.1)
    Best hard drive: 2 TB Seagate Desktop ST2000DM006 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 64 MB) +1310 ($ 22.8)
    With all the haltering: 90 130 ($ 1564.8)
    Mouse: A4Tech Bloody R70 (4000 dpi, wired) 1770 ($ 30.8)
    Keyboard: Oklick 920g Iron Edge (wired, 104 keys, backlight) 3790 ($ 65.8)
    Columns: Sven MC-10 (2.0, 2x 25 W, 45-27 000 Hz) 6160 ($ 107)
    Monitor: BenQ GL2760H (TN, 27 inches, 1920×1080, 2 ms, 300 kD/m², 1000: 1, D-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI) 10 980 ($ 190.7)
    With the periphery: 112 830 ($ 1958.9)

    Take it, but buy!

    System unit from 95 to 115 thousand rubles

    Products of the company MSI from Gaming -The series continue to delight the number of buns and adequate prices. When creating a motherboard Z270 KRAIT GAMING The manufacturer has seriously worked on increasing electrical and physical reliability. And the video card used in the cooling system MSI GTX 1070 Gaming X 8G Two -row bearing fans MSI Torx 2.0 With increased performance, they remain almost silent.

    CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K (Kaby Lake, 4 nuclei, Socket LGA1151, 4.2-4.5 GHz, L3-Kash 8 MB) 23 510 ($ 408,2)
    Kuler: DeepCool Gammaxx S40 (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 900-1600 rpm, 18-26 dB) 1530 ($ 26.6)
    Motherboard: MSI Z270 KRAIT GAMING (ATX, Socket LGA1151, Intel Z270, 4X DDR4-2133/3800 MHz to 64 GB, 3X PCIE X16, 3X PCIE X1, 6x SATA Rev Rev Rev. 3, 2x m.2, PS/2, USB 3.1, 4x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, USB Type-C, LAN, DVI, HDMI, Audio) 11 660 ($ 202.5)
    Memory: 2x 8 GB DDR4-2800 MHz Patriot Viper Elite PVE416G280C6KRD 10 310 ($ 179)
    Video card: MSI GeForce GTX 1070, GTX 1070 Gaming X 8G (Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070, 1607-1797/8108 MHz, 8 GB GDDR5, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) 34 900 ($ 606)
    Hard disc: 3 TB Seagate ST3000DM008 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 64 MB) 6270 ($ 108.9)
    Corps: Zalman R1 (ATX, 3x 120 mm, USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 2960 ($ 51.4)
    Power supply: Thermaltake TR2 Smart TR-650P Bronze (650 W, 115 mm, 24-Pin, 4+4-Pin, 6x SATA, 4x Molex, 2x 6+2-Pin, FDD) 4120 ($ 71.6)
    Basic configuration: 95 260 ($ 1653.9)
    Svo installation: his own Deepcool WaterCooler Maelstrom 120 (copper, 120 mm, 600-1800 rpm, 18-32 dB) 1830 ($ 31.8)
    Best video card: MSI GeForce GTX 1080, GTX 1080 Gaming X 8G (Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080, 1708-1847/10108 MHz, 8 GB GDDR5X, PCIE 3.0 X16, DVI, HDMI, 3X DisplayPort) +4800 ($ 83.4)
    SSD installation: 500 GB Samsung 850 EVO MZ-N5E500BW (M.2 2280, recording – 500 MB/s, reading – 540 MB/s) 10 680 ($ 185.5)
    Best hard drive: 4 TB TOSHIBA N300 HDWQ140UZSVA (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 128 MB) +2420 ($ 42.1)
    With all the haltering: 114 990 ($ 1996.4)
    Mouse: Logitech G403 Prodigy (12000 dpi, wired) 4070 ($ 70.7)
    Keyboard: Razer Cynosa Pro (wired, 104 keys, backlight) 3710 ($ 64.5)
    Columns: Sven MC-20 (2.0, 2x 45 W, 40-27 000 Hz) 7850 ($ 136.3)
    Monitor: IIYAMA Prolite X288888HS-B2 (VA, 28 inches, 1920×1080, 5 ms, 300 kD/m2, 3000: 1, D-Sub (VGA), DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort, 2x 3 W) 13 210 ($ 229,4 )
    With the periphery: 143 830 ($ 2497.1)


    System unit from 120 to 150 thousand rubles

    Another dignity of the motherboard MSI Z270 KRAIT GAMING – advanced system of integrated illumination Mystic Light. Such beauty cannot be hidden in a deaf black box . Frame Aerocool P7-C1 Equipped with a side wall with a large acrylic window and is ready to “play along” with its own RGB backlighting the front panel.

    CPU: Intel Core i7-7700K (Kaby Lake, 4 nuclei, Socket LGA1151, 4.2-4.5 GHz, L3-Kash 8 MB) 23 510 ($ 408,2)
    Kuler: Titan Dragonfly 4 (aluminum + copper, 120 mm, 150-1500 rpm, 5-29 dB) 2080 ($ 36.2)
    Motherboard: MSI Z270 KRAIT GAMING (ATX, Socket LGA1151, Intel Z270, 4X DDR4-2133/3800 MHz to 64 GB, 3X PCIE X16, 3X PCIE X1, 6x SATA Rev Rev Rev. 3, 2x m.2, PS/2, USB 3.1, 4x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, USB Type-C, LAN, DVI, HDMI, Audio) 11 660 ($ 202.5)
    Memory: 2x 8 GB DDR4-2800 MHz Patriot Viper Elite PVE416G280C6KRD 10 310 ($ 179)
    Video card: MSI GTX 1080 Ti Armor 11G OC (Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 TI, 1531-1645/11016 MHz, 11 GB GDDR5X, PCIE 3.0 x16, DVI, 2x HDMI, 2X DisplayPort) 53 800 ($ 934.1)
    Hard disc: 4 TB TosHiba N300 HDWQ140UZSVA (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 128 MB) 8690 ($ 150.9)
    Corps: Aerocool P7-C1 (ATX, 4x 120 mm, 2x USB 3.0, 2x USB 2.0, audio) 5760 ($ 100)
    Power supply: Thermaltake TR2 Smart TR-650P Bronze (650 W, 115 mm, 24-Pin, 4+4-Pin, 6x SATA, 4x Molex, 2x 6+2-Pin, FDD) 4120 ($ 71.6)
    Basic configuration: 119 930 ($ 2082.2)
    Svo installation: its Corsair H100i V2 (copper, 2x 120 mm, 2435 rpm, 37.7 dB) 6220 ($ 108)
    Additional memory: 2x 8 GB DDR4-2800 MHz Patriot Viper Elite PVE416G280C6KRD 10 310 ($ 179)
    SSD installation: 500 GB Samsung 850 EVO MZ-N5E500BW (M.2 2280, recording – 500 MB/s, reading – 540 MB/s) 10 680 ($ 185.5)
    The best power supply: Thermaltake Smart DPS SPG-650DH3CCG (650 W, 140 mm, 24-PIN, 4+4-PIN, 6x SATA, 3x Molex, 4x 6+2-Pin, FDD) +2690 ($ 46,8)
    With all the haltering: 149 830 ($ 2601.3)
    Mouse: Logitech G502 RGB (12000 dpi, wired) 4950 ($ 86)
    Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow Ultimate Stealth 2016 (wired, 104 keys, backlight, USB hub) 6980 ($ 121.2)
    Columns: Edifier R2730DB (2.0, 136 W, 45-20 000 Hz) 15 880 ($ 275.7)
    Monitor: IIYAMA G-Master XB2788QS-B1 (IPS, 27 inches, 2560 × 1440, 5 ms, 350 kD/m2, 1000: 1, DVI, HDMI, DisplayPort, 2x 2.5 W) 19 670 ($ 341.5)
    With the periphery: 197 310 ($ 3425.6)

    I saw you in a dream

    System unit with the most powerful filling, the price of which is not limited

    We use all the features of the platform LGA2066 by processor and memory. Intel Core i9-7960x It itself stands as a good system unit, but it is the fastest "desktop" processor of our time. To match him a set of memory for 128 GB Corsair Vengeance CMR128GX4M8X3600C18 – And even a couple of medium severity launched against the background of virtual machines launched against the background of virtual machines will not really hurt you .

    CPU: Intel Core i9-7960x (Skylake-X, 16 nuclei, Socket LGA2066, 2.8-4.2 GHz, L2-Cash 32 MB, L3-Cash 22 MB) 116 400 ($ 2020.9)
    Coler: Swo Corsair H115i (copper, 2x 140 mm, 2000 rpm, 40 dB) 10 550 ($ 183.2)
    Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-X299 Aorus Gaming 7 (EATX, LGA2011-V3, Intel X99, 8x DDR4-2133/4400 MHz up to 128 GB, 5X PCIE X16, 8X SATA REV. 3, 3x m.2, 4x USB 3.1, 4x USB 3.0, USB Type-C, S/PDIF -out, 2X LAN, Wi-Fi 802.11ac, Bluetooth 4.1, audio) 30 870 ($ 536)
    Memory: 8x 16 GB DDR4-3200 MHz Corsair Vengeance CMR128GX4M8X3600C18 115 880 ($ 2011.9)
    Video cards: 2x Nvidia Titan XP (Nvidia Titan XP, 1480-1582/11400 MHz, 12 GB GDDR5X, PCIE 3.0 X16, HDMI, DisplayPort) + Nvidia GeForce GTX SLI HB 181 290 ($ 3147.4)
    SSD: 1 TB OCZ TOSHIBA RVD400-M22280-1T (M.2 2280, recording – 1550 MB/s, reading – 2600 MB/s) 40 350 ($ 700.6)
    Hard disc: 10 TB Seagate Skyhawk ST10000VX0004 (SATA Rev. 3, 7200 rpm, 256 MB) 22 990 ($ 399,2)
    Disco: ASUS BW-16D1HT/BLK/B/AS (SATA, CD-ROM/RW, DVD-ROM/RAM, DVD ± R/RW, DL, BD-ROM/R/Re, DL) 4650 ($ 80 , 8)
    Corps: Cooler Master Cosmos II RC-1200 (Full Tower, ATX, 200 mm, 140 mm, 3x 120 mm, 4x USB 2.0, 2x USB 3.0, Esata, Audio, Reobas) 28,000 ($ 486.2)
    Power supply: Thermaltake Tougpower Grand Tougpower Grand DPS G (1050 W, ATX, 140 mm, 24-PIN, 8-PIN, 4+4-PIN, 12X SATA, 8x Molex, 8x 6+2x FD) 13 560 ($ 235.5)
    Keyboard: Logitech G910 Orion Spectrum (wired, 125 keys) 10 250 ($ 178)
    Mouse: Steelseries Rival 500 (12 buttons, 16,000 dpi, optical, wired) 5810 ($ 100.9)
    Columns: Edifier S760 D (5.1, 5x 60 + 240 watts, 35-20,000 Hz) 34 550 ($ 599.9)
    Monitor: IIYAMA PROLITE X4071UHSU-B1 (VA, 39.5 inches, 3840 × 2160, 3 ms, 350 kD/m2, 5000: 1, D-Sub (VGA), 3X HDMI, DisplayPort, 2x 6W, USB-hab) 39 250 ($ 681.5)
    With all the haltering: 654 400 ($ 11 361.2)

    7 best configurations of computers for September 2017